About Us

What does PML Stand for?

Peaceful, Mindful, Living.


Actually, they are the initials of our founder, but the acronym is true. We are on a quest to be the largest retailer of compostable, biodegradable and recycled goods in the US, curbing plastic use and promoting sustainable living.


Plastic free packing? Check

Biodegradable/ Compostable/ Recyclable products? Check

Carbon Offsetting? Check


It started with the Seed Notebook. We use a lot of notebooks and realized that they did not give back to the environment. What if the products we used gave back?

So, we made a notebook from seed paper, so that when planted grew wild-flowers.

We then realized stickers were made from plastic and vinyl and if they are on the notebooks, would not decompose, so we made the compostable sticker!

This is just the start for us ~ and we are happy you are here with us. 




We vet products to uphold the highest standards of sustainability, so you don't have to. We found a lot of lip service and green washing run rampant and wanted to provide a one stop shop where quality meets ethics. 
We are proudly BIPOC and woman owned and are happy to welcome all to our mission!



Three iconographic black leaves in a row